Discover How To
Create Peace & Manage
Anxiety // Depression 
Without Giving Up the High Achiever Mentality
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About Me! Who Am I?
Hi I’m Jenna - Naturopathic Doctor, Certified Yoga Instructor, and the founder of Peace of Mind Method. I work with high achievers struggling with anxiety//depression, because I understand what it’s like to look like everything is all together on the outside while there’s a storm brewing on the inside. For a long time, I didn’t even think I was struggling with anything because how could I be so good at life and be dealing with this at the same time? And if I couldn’t convince myself I was going through was going to be tough to get someone else to see it.

Reaching out for help was endlessly frustrating because I knew at the end of the day, I was going to have to carry myself through this. I am a special breed of human that needed more than a few simple solutions to my problems (i.e. pop this pill, go talk to someone, etc.). So I got my head in the game, did the work, and made it my mission to show what is possible.

To manage the way I felt and still get things done.

To show up how I wanted in life for myself and others.

And that while the road is tough, the things we need to do aren’t that complicated.

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